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학사공지 게시글 확인
제목 [창업지원단] 창업특강 Speaker Series #2: Innovation and Entrepreneurship 안내
작성자 창업지원단 조회수 15832 날짜 2018-05-15

창업지원단 주관 2018 창업특강 Speaker Series #2를 아래와 같이 개최하오니, 관심있는 여러분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.


1. 프로그램 : <창업지원단 Speaker Series #2: Innovation and Entrepreneurship>   Lecture and Discussion: Bring Your Venture Ideas!

연번 일자 및 시간 주제 장소
1 2018. 5. 17.(목) 16:00~18:00 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Consumer Products

테크노큐브동 403호

Techno Cube(no. 62)

Rm 403

2 2018. 5. 31.(목) 16:00~18:00 Innovation and Entrepreneurship in IoT


2. 강연자: 미국 Northeastern University, Marc H. Meyer 교수 (창업지원단 특임교수)


3. 참석대상: 기업가정신과 창업에 관심이 있는 학부생, 대학원생, 교수, 직원 등 누구나


4. 기타사항

  1) 특강별 통역 제공

  2) 1시간 특강 & 1시간 코칭

  3) 창업장학마일리지 50점 제공(1회당)


5. 문의 : 창업지원단(테크노큐브동 302호), 02)970-9024 / jiwon@seoultech.ac.kr


Marc H. Meyer is the Robert J. Shillman Professor of Entrepreneurship and the Matthews Distinguished Professor at Northeastern University. In 2006, Dr. Meyer started Northeastern’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group in the College of Business, where he and his colleagues have helped many students and alumni start their own companies. Northeastern is now ranked as a leading entrepreneurship program in the United States. Dr. Meyer is also the managing director of the Center for Entrepreneurship Education, which is responsible for interdisciplinary entrepreneurship education. Over the past three years, the Center’s incubator, IDEA, has helped launch 50 companies which have proceeded to raise close to $100M in venture capital.


While a PhD student in his mid-20s, he left MIT for five years to help build his first software company, VenturCom, which became a leader in real-time embedded operating systems. He has also been part of the start-up teams and/or Board Member for other technologies ventures. These include Sentillion (single-sign and patient context management for healthcare) and magnetics (ferrites for communications.)  As an innovation consultant, he has designed next generation products and business strategies for companies in the consumer, industrial, healthcare, and financial sectors. These include IBM, Hewlett Packard, EMC, and Philips in technology sectors, and P&G, Pinnacle, and Mars in consumer products. Dr. Meyer brings these experiences into his teaching. He was awarded the Graduate Teaching Award at Northeastern in 2017.


Dr. Meyer is a graduate of Harvard College and holds his graduate degrees from M.I.T. He has been a Visiting Associate Professor and Visiting Scientist at M.I.T, a Visiting Professor at Delft Technical University (in the School of Industrial Design), a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Nyenrode Business University, and is a Distinguished Professor in Entrepreneurship at the Seoul National University of Science and Technology for 2018.


Dr. Meyer will be giving two lectures during May:  1) Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Consumer Products;  and 2) Innovation and Entrepreneurship in IoT.  Professor Meyer’s lectures will cover basic principles and methods for customer discovery, product design, and business models with illustrations and applications with consumer products and the Internet of Things – two very active areas for entrepreneurship around the world.    All students. faculty, and staff are warmly welcome!


담당부서 : 학사지원과 전화번호: 02-970-7174,7175