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* 내용 입력 시 주민등록번호, 연락처 등 개인정보가 노출되지 않도록 주의하시기 바랍니다.

학사공지 게시글 확인
제목 International Coffee Hour, 어떠셨나요?
작성자 어학교육팀 조회수 33680 날짜 2018-06-04

어학교육팀에서는 내외국인 학생들의 친목 및 문화 교류를 위하여 2011년 11월 4일, 제1회 International Coffee Hour 를 시작한 이래 꾸준이 행사를 운영하였고, 지난 2018년 5월 30일에는 제42회 행사를 성황리에 실시하였습니다. 그동안 참여해주신 모든 분께 진심으로 감사드리며, 향후 프로그램 운영 개선을 위하여 설문을 실시하오니, 여러분의 소중한 의견 부탁드립니다. (☞ 설문 참여하기)



Dear international and Korean students at SeoulTech, 


The Office of Language Education at SeoulTech (OLE, formerly ILER) started the first International Coffee Hour on November 4th 2011.  Since then, OLE has continued to organize International Coffee Hour, and we are pleased to announce that we had our 42nd International Coffee Hour last Thursday, 30th of May 2018. 


The purpose of International Coffee Hour is simply for SeoulTech students - Korean and international students - to meet and spend time together.  We have appreciated all of the participants who have come to these events and we hope for your continued support.  We also hope you had fun and were able to make friendships at International Coffee Hour!  


We would like to receive your feedback in order to make improvements for future International Coffee Hours.  If you wouldn't mind, please take a moment to take this survey.  We appreciate and value your time and input.


- 어학교육팀 (Office of Language Education)

담당부서 : 학사지원과 전화번호: 02-970-7174,7175