본문내용 바로가기 메인메뉴 바로가기 서브메뉴 바로가기
create your dream



* 내용 입력 시 주민등록번호, 연락처 등 개인정보가 노출되지 않도록 주의하시기 바랍니다.

대학공지사항 게시글 확인
제목 외국인 유학생을 위한 미술치료 집단상담
작성자 조주영 조회수 2980 날짜 2018-10-31

외국인 유학생을 위한 미술치료 집단상담 프로그램


□ 일 시 : 2018. 11. 12.(월) ~ 2018. 11. 29.(목)/ 3주간 월, 목요일 12:00~14:00마다!


□ 운영방법

- 10명 이내의 집단을 구성(1개 집단)

- 각 프로그램별 주 2회(2시간), 총 3주간 6회 운영


□ 장 소 : 제2학생회관 3층 집단상담실 (303-2호)


□ 참가대상 : 외국인 유학생


□ 신 청: Epic Folio 시스템 또는 전화 신청


□  프로그램 수료시 마일리지 10점 부여

(규정 상 2일 이상은 20마일리지를 지급하여야 하나 일일 활동시간 대비하여 마일리지 산정)




Group Therapy for SeoulTech Int’l students

Group therapy is a foam of psychotherapy in which small group of clients gather together and have deep conversation on common issues. For cross cultural adaptation of int’l students, we open group therapy using art as follows ;


Session 1 : Hello. What is your name? Rename yourself with a new identity in the group.

Choose your new identity in the group and rename yourself want to be called by other members. Put your new name on a name tag in a creative way using colors, stickers, etc. Then introduce yourself and share your feelings and expectations about group therapy.


Session 2 : When you choose to come and study in Korea

Recall when you decide to come to Korea. What did you anticipate or worry about? Choose three image cards remind you these feelings and share your story with other members.


Session 3 : What you enjoy and like in life here

Select images from magazines related to what you enjoy and like in Korea. If you need something you cannot find, draw one for yourself. Then arrange and glue them in a big piece of paper to collage and decorate over it, if you like. Put the on your art work and share it with group members.


Session 4 : What challenges you face with

Select images from magazines related to difficulties and challenges facing with in Korea. If you need something you cannot find, draw one for yourself. Then arrange and glue them in a big piece of paper to collage and decorate over it, if you need. Put the on your art work and share it with group members.


Session 5 : Top 3 of the list you want to accomplish during the rest of time in Korea

Think about your own bucket list before you leave Korea. Choose top 3 of it. Devide a big paper into 3 sections and express each of them. You can use the image again or draw by yourself. Then share your art work with group members.


Session 6 : Warpping up our journey together and celebrating your new start

Look back what we have been through while appreciating your own art works. Take one blank postcard, images and writings on what you have learned from the group and what you want to continue to remind yourself. Then share it with the members and celebrate the journey together.
