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대학공지사항 게시글 확인
제목 Full-time Professor Positions
작성자 교무과 조회수 1646 날짜 2012-11-12
Full-time Professor Positions

The Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech) is currently seeking several full-time English Professors. Faculty members currently are responsible for teaching university credit courses in Freshman/Sophomore conversational English and English electives.
Department: The Institute for Language Education & Research
Start of Employment: March 1, 2013
- Native speakers of English with a Master's degree in any of the following subjects:
- TESOL, Applied Linguistics, Language Studies, and CALL/Educational Technology
- 2 years of teaching experience at the university level required
- Experience with MOODLE preferred
Hiring Priorities: We are particularly interested, but not limited to, teachers with specialized qualifications and/or experience with language testing/assessment or CALL.
Salary and Benefits:
- 3 million won per month (36,000,000 won per year)
- One-month salary as severance bonus at the end of successful contract year
- 600,000 won per year salary increase upon contract renewal
- Subsidized medical insurance and pension premiums
- 600,000 won relocation stipend for candidates residing outside of Korea
- Overtime rates from 30,000~60,000 won/hour depending on the program
Duties: Teach minimum 14 teaching hours a week (credit program), attend weekly meetings, support a special departmental development project or an extracurricular student club activity, and participate in curriculum and materials development.
Teaching Focus: Instructors work in the required basic English conversation courses with opportunities to teach elective courses.  Successful applicants will be team-oriented language teaching professionals who are willing to be creative, make collegial contributions, but also able to work within a teacher created, standardized program.  We are looking for candidates who can demonstrate experience with developing and implementing their own resources and materials in the classroom successfully.
Contract Period: 1 year academic school year, renewable upon mutual agreement
NOTE: Please read this posting carefully and make sure you qualify before applying.  Because we receive numerous applications, we kindly request that applicants who do not meet the minimum qualifications refrain from submitting applications.  Such applications only slow down our internal hiring process.
Application Documents:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum vitae
- Copies of transcripts
- One letter of recommendation including contact numbers
- Copy of passport (identification/information page)
- Copies of your diplomas and teaching certificates (e.g. TESOL/TEFL/TESL/CELTA certificate)
- Copy of alien registration card (if applicable)
- Proof of listed job experience (employer’s letter that verifies your employment period)
Successful candidates are required to submit following documents:
- Copies of diplomas or graduation certificates, affixed with Apostille for all your degrees
- National criminal background check from your home country, affixed with Apostille
How to Apply: Send your email application to: Ms. Eunsook Ahn at seoultech.language@gmail.com, or by postal mail to: Seoul National University of Science & Technology, Language Center Rm 115, 232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 139-743, Korea
Application Deadline: November 30th, 2012
Interview Date (Tentative): December 14th, 2012
University Homepage: http://www.seoultech.ac.kr
Department Homepage: http://language.seoultech.ac.kr
Department MOODLE Homepage: http://moodle.seoultech.ac.kr