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* 내용 입력 시 주민등록번호, 연락처 등 개인정보가 노출되지 않도록 주의하시기 바랍니다.

자유발언대 게시글 확인
제목 How to travel Seoul safely in COVID-19?
작성자 김선경 조회수 792 날짜 2020-09-19

Hello! We are team-mic which is preparing a travel app for foreigners in Korea. 

We'd like to conduct a test before launching the application. Through this test, we would like to improve the direction and quality of our service. 
We'll send a coffee voucher to the people who leave comments after using our beta application by lot. You can leave comments in application by downloading the application. 


*Unfortunately, this service is only available for Android.



How to install apps? 

(It's a test file, so it's downloaded to the apk file. It's a safe file, so you can rest assured that you are downloading safe apk files!)



1. Enter the link and download the apk file from your Google drive.
2. Once the download is complete, click File to begin the installation.
3. If you want to install the safe app, click Yes to proceed with the installation. 
4. After installation, please access the app and agree to use the location.
